Selasa, 02 Juli 2019


People try to earn more and more money in their jobs in all possible ways, and over time they realize that it can't last forever and it is necessary to create several sources of income. The most primitive and not very profitable is the opening of a deposit in the bank at minimum interest rates, which can not even cover the annual inflation.
The following options can be gambling in the form of casinos, poker, sports betting, lottery tickets, and why not invest in the development of various types of small and medium-sized businesses, promising start-UPS, because they can give a significant return and a large percentage of profits. And the reason is that they can not be sure of the competence, honesty of cooperation and reliability of such projects, so they prefer other ways of investing, which most often lead to the loss of funds.
Another reason may be the inconvenience of investing when you have to travel long distances to make transactions or not all people have access to financial services. It is necessary to make all these procedures much faster and preferably on the same platform and just such an idea is pursued and is already being developed by the IOWN group!
This company connects directly real businesses, startups with investors through a decentralized platform that allows anyone to support different directions, participate in the general voting of the project adoption for promotion and it does not need a large amount of finance from each.
IOWN provides companies with digital support and the ability to obtain the necessary funding for the start, further development and regulation produces with the help of smart contracts, so that investors are always aware of the progress of projects, timely receive dividends on the terms.
The main means of payment for using the services of the platform is its own IOWN token, which provides an opportunity to participate in this ecosystem. For the user it is a wide range of interesting and promising businesses, transparent operation and reliable protection of assets, saving time on search, all available in one place and in one application.
A total of 450 million tokens are issued, 300 million are available for sale, and a listing has already been made on such a well-known exchange as Latoken ! The team is made up of people with extensive and successful experience from different areas and are serious about building a more harmonious and effective communication between entrepreneurs and investors, which can be any person.
In conclusion, I want to express my opinion: that such a platform can be decisive and developing the process of investing from around the world in a variety of useful, unique and profitable ideas that can make people more free, happy and create a reliable, profitable asset portfolios. I recommend you to get additional information about the project on these links below:
Author : Cing ciripit



This is a project that provides a partially decentralized dApp application and a general protocol for solving the problems of the story industry with blockchain characteristics. The “story industry” refers to an industry that uses “stories” as the source of its products and includes areas such as films, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals and radio shows. 
Storichain can be seen as a digital history asset management system that allows people to make online transactions even with unreliable people by entering into an “agreement to prevent the theft of ideas”. Another problem in the industry is that of profit sharing. 
For example, the webtoon industry, which is one of Korea’s largest plot-based industries, has already exceeded $ 700 million in market size, but there are still many people who doubt the profit sharing structure in the industry, as well as in many materials. Creators still have difficulty getting enough compensation for their work. 
Storichain begins by placing a token's value base on creating stories, which ultimately wants to reduce the cost of trust between the participants in the story industry — writers, production companies, and readers. In this way, Storichain will make the process of creating a derivative work from source material more transparent, deciding the injustice that exists in the industry and creates new values. 
The Storichain project aims to explore and develop "stories" as a type of intellectual property. The industry of stories can be defined as an industry that includes the work of the creators of stories and actions that use the stories created for various purposes. In 2014, Story Stories identified an industry that creates added value through products and enterprises based on research, discovery, planning, development, creation, dissemination, and transmission of stories that are viewed as a source of imagination and creativity. 
 Storichain does not store the original textual history data in the blockchain. This is due to the fact that Storichain takes into account the contribution made at the creation stage and the transaction, as well as the transfer of ownership of the history more than the text / graphic data of the story itself. 
In fact, no one can prevent a person from distributing text content, since all he needs to do is take a picture of his monitor and distribute it to any place he wants. 
Thus, instead of simply preventing such actions, Storichain considers it more important to prove the value of the author’s efforts by systematically measuring who contributed to history, when and how they contributed, how ownership was transferred, and how much each contributed to the story in the case of cooperation. 
Storichain calls this kind of data "activity metrics." Since activity metrics are used to distribute profits accumulated by history, it cannot be falsified or manipulated. In addition, performance indicators are also used as a basis for calculating the growth index, which is used to determine the value of the main asset of a story. This will be the basis for the distribution of profits. 
Storichain followed the blockchain technology, which provides trust between the participants and extends its borders to unforeseen territories. Blockchain provides trust beyond borders and ideologies, helping many industries simplify the problems they have faced in the past and offer new solutions. 
Storichain seeks to embed the blockchain into the storyline industry in order to create a world in which all participants can be satisfied by taking part of the responsibility. To implement this philosophy step by step, the company has now accurately identified the current industry problems in order to find new solutions. 

Project roadmap: 

Project contact information: 

Author : Cing ciripit


Recently, much attention is given in cryptosuite security issues. The blockchain ecosystem is under constant attack by hackers. 2017 was stolen about $ 1.2 billion. Wallets cracked malware the keyloggers is captured in the clipboard to steal secret keys and change the destination address. These losses absolutely no return because no one to claim. BlockSafe the company has developed products that fully protect the ecosystem, blockchain, wallets, exchanges from hackers.
Why choose a company BlockSafe to protect their interests:
1 the Company offers a full range to protect and the problem of hacker attacks using patented and proven technology.
2 the Company already has two products ready for sale and use, this Crypto Exchange Defender and Defender. The third product is under development. In total the company's products have 10 patents, 6 of them have already been issued and 4 pending.
3 the constant growth of the cryptocurrency market. Experts believe the growth of this market from 24 million today to 200 million in 2025.
4 In your team has experienced veterans. Some of them have companies in the technology industries
5 The company's products is licensed from StrikeForce. Technology has come a long seventeen-year journey in the industry of cyber security.
6 the advisors of the company present famous people.
One of them, former IT Director of Homeland security and founder of Security University.
7 Token BSAFE™ is a security token standard ERC20, which corresponds to SEC rules.
8 Token BSAFE™ provides passive income in the amount of 10% of the revenue of the use of its products.
9 the Company has an agreement listing the token on the well-known cryptocurrency exchanges.
Now consider what functionality has the company's products BlockSafe.
Crypto defender desktop Defender Crypto has the following features:
1 Encryption of the keystrokes. Prevents introduction of malware spyware. Now the introduction of the password, the secret key will be encrypted with algorithms of high security level.
2 Protection against copying to the clipboard. Prevents introduction of malware to monitor the clipboard. This prevents any change of address when you send cryptocurrency transactions.
Anti-screen capture. Prevents covert screen capture for malicious screenshot.
Anti-Clickjacking. This is a favorite technique of hackers, with the help of clicks on certain links to load malicious software.
The company is not bypassed and the mobile device. There also present safe keyboard. There is a secure browser that prevents storage of cookies and other malicious codes. Encrypted storage of passwords and keys. Storage access may be done through fingerprints. Generator strong passwords. It creates strong passwords based on user settings, and then stores them in the password vault for future use. Stock Exchange protector or Defender. Most cryptocurrency exchanges have hot and cold wallets to store cryptocurrency. The wallets hold the private keys of the user and secret keys exchange. Most keys are stored offline in cold wallets. But some of the keys to facilitate the transactions, is stored on servers connected to the Internet, the so-called hot storage. Usually these servers are exposed to hacker attacks. Exchange Defender consists of two products to protect the internal systems of crypto currency exchange. The first is already known to us it's Crypto Defender. The second one is called ProtectID. ProtectID provides access to internal systems using two-out-of-band authentication.
To learn more about the project BlockSafe I recommend to visit the links left in the description. There in the pages of the website you will find a detailed description of the whitepaper, roadmap, team and other helpful information. In conclusion, I would like to say that the company BlockSafemakes a breakthrough in the field of security and information protection. Services will reliably protect users of the ecosystem. The company has demanded the idea, professionally-selected team, good analytical reviews of sites and will certainly bring profits to its investors in the near future.

Author : Cing ciripit

Mitoshi CryptoLotto ICO

В свое время был выпущен очень интересный фильм спорт лото 82
если кто не смотрел обязательно посмотрите ,после просмотра этого фильма лоторея MITOSHI покажется Вам чем то сказочным и таким же волшебным в осуществелении желаний и приобретая лоторейный билет MITOSHI как что то необычное сказочное волшебное вдруг увидеть себя случайным миллионером кто бы не хотел так скажите мне?правильно таких людей нет поэтому свойственно очень большая перспектива ждет нас всех впереди и победы с лотореей MITOSHI ! Mitoshi использует технологию блокчейн и смарт контракты для построения прозрачной и честной среды для проведения лотерей и онлайн игр. Данная платформа сможет объединить игроков или участников со всего мира и предоставить им реальные и равные шансы выиграть в лотерею, благодаря отсутствию стороннего влияние на результаты лотереи.
Главной проблемой старых лотерей было отсутствие честности,прозрачности,децентрализованности и безопасности, эти проблемы боле никогда не будут преследовать участников лотерей благодаря Mitoshi .Для обеспечения честности игры, платформа будет построена на основе блокчейна, а в своей деятельности будет использовать смарт контракты, таким образом исключается стороннее вмешательство,а выигрышные номера и лотерейные билеты не могут быть подделаны никем.
Вернуть справедливость и прозрачность
Что бы вернуть веру в лотерею, Mitoshi произведет глобальную “реформу” этой отрасли.Теперь все будет завысить только от блокчейна и смарт контрактов, никаких посторонних вмешательств и манипуляций. Ведь на данный момент есть много способов подделать или сфальсифицировать результаты лотереи или выигрыша,однако этого больше не повторится никогда,с приходом Mitoshi больше никто не вернется к прежним лотереям ,более всего они просто исчезнут,ведь просто не смогут выстоять в конкуренции с честным соперником у которого будет 100% поддержка участников.
В обычной лотерее все сводиться к покупке билета и ожиданию того,что цифры на нем совпадут с выигрышными числами, это уже не вызывает особого интереса.Конечно,вы скажете, какая разница как играть, лишь бы выиграть,но все-таки этот процесс можно сделать намного более увлекательным и интересным, существенно оживить его. Mitoshi предложит своим пользователям намного более интересный подход, теперь сам процесс участия в лотереи будет очень интересным и увлекательным,даже если пользователь не получит приз,он все-равно останется довольным своим участием в лотереи.
Выиграл ? Получи деньги !
Получив заветное право на выигрыш в обычной лотерее у вас уйдут месяцы на получения приза, множество проверок и бюрократических препятствий, неудобств и огорчений ожидают вас на пути к получению уже выигранного приза. В Mitoshi все будет иначе, этот процесс можно описать как: выиграл — получил деньги.Приз получателю отправляется без задержек и необоснованных препятствий.
В свою очередь внедрения в жизнь всех этих планов невозможно без блокчейна, ведь он не только очень удобен для этих функций,но еще и является единственным действенным способом вернуть честность и справедливость в эту отрасль. Так же важно, что данная платформа будет доступна каждому,у кого под рукой есть интернет или смартфон, в любое время суток, с любой точки Земли вы можете играть на равных для всех условиях.
Мобильное приложение
Для большего удобства и расширения сферы пользователей Mitoshiвыпустит мобильное приложение,которое будет обладать всеми функциями,в том числе предоставит доступ к лотереям и другим видам игр.
Ведь смартфон есть почти у каждого, в любой момент можно его включить и всего за 1 Mitoshi попытать свою удачу и получить реальный шанс сорвать крупный куш.
Приложение будет доступно для IOS и Android.
Новые виды розыгрышей как подтверждение ноу хау в мире лоторей
В обычной лотерее все сводиться к покупке билета и ожиданию того,что цифры на нем совпадут с выигрышными числами, это уже не вызывает особого интереса.Конечно,вы скажете, какая разница как играть, лишь бы выиграть,но все-таки этот процесс можно сделать намного более увлекательным и интересным, существенно оживить его. Mitoshi предложит своим пользователям намного более интересный подход, теперь сам процесс участия в лотереи будет очень интересным и увлекательным,даже если пользователь не получит приз,он все-равно останется довольным своим участием в лотереи.
На данный момент проект имеет хороших технических партнеров,которые имеют большой опыт работы с технологиями блокчейн, AI, IoT и в других отраслях, которые помогут Mitoshi построить стабильную и безопасную экосистему.
Анализ дорожной карты
Дорожная карта проекта показывает нам пути и планы по его развитию, так идея появившаяся в 2018 году уже в 2019 станет полностью готовым продуктом. На данный момент проект готовиться к проведению продажи токенов, что дает хорошие возможности по инвестированию. Параллельно с эти будет идти разработка экосистемы проекта и уже за очень короткое время мы видим нового короля рынка лотерей.
Информация о токене Mitoshi
Символ MTSH
Начало продажи токенов 27 января 2019
Общее количество токенов 1,000,000,000 (1 млрд)
Распределение токенов более наглядно
68% будет продано, 15% зарезервировано команде, 10% уйдут на нужны консультантов и партнеров и на оставшиеся 7% будет проведено баунти и airdrop
Минимальная целю сборов US$1 000 000 000
Максимальная целю сборов US$10 000 000 000
Команда проекта
CEO и со-основатели проекта
Команда менеджеров
Команда разработчиков
Команда маркетологов
Команда социальных медиа
Выводы о Mitoshi
В мире повседневной жизни заметьте нам все время чего то не хватает пусть это будет драйв смешанный с притными ощущениями в легкой ненавязчивой победе в лотрее- Mitoshi Лотереи — как один из видов азартных игр прочно вошли в жизнь человека и являются одними из тех немногих азартных игр которые поддерживаются и регулируются государством.Это и понятно ведь, проиграть в лотерею большие деньги очень сложно,а выиграть можно заплатив относительно небольшую цену, это и притягивает участников в сферу лотерей .! 1_Q98hJrKCcx2AiwkrKb8U7A.jpeg 
Однако люди все больше и больше теряют доверие к этой отрасли,поскольку считают,что здесь царит обман и несправедливость, билеты покупали многие, а вот к реальному выигрышу дело доходило только у единиц,как привел пример ранее в фильме купив счастливый билет они не знали что счастливый по исходу он сам прилетел к ним хоть весь фильм они за ним гонялись вывод не гоняйтесь за счастьем оно само найдет Вас-это и есть - MITOSHI честная лотерея на бокчейне !
Связь с проектом


We are excited to announce that a public sale for AIGO Protocol (AIGO) will take place on VinDAX Launchpad starting on 13:00 (UTC) July 3, 201
Hello all,
This time I will share related payment cards where today is very important in terms of our daily transactions. Yes payment cards have more than 77% of global trade, more than 257 billion cards are issued for transactions in the world.  Previously payment cards were designed for offline transactions, where the customer approved the transaction by signing the manual receipts, payment cards are not designed to deal with modern fast-moving for our economy at world. Their popularity is largely due to the lack of acceptable alternatives to electronics payment. The use of payment cards expands anachronistic system, which means suffering a large part of infrastructure inefficiency.
The payment card ecosystem structure is very complex and consists of several participants:
Credit card associations (Visa, MasterCard), bank issuance, acquiring banks, and gateway payments, for some oligopolistic market names and obligation players each control their network, show rules and fees, this centralized structure causes inefficiencies.
Now how about AIGO, is an effort to design infrastructure development, which will have the potential to grow into a fully decentralized payment system. 
 AIGO Bounty Campaign started!
40 million tokens will be distributed to community as a reward, Join now! 
More Detail Information : 
AIGO's vision
The blockchain technology holds a big promise to change the payment industry. Problem described in the previous section can be overcome with a blockchain based on peer-to-peer payments network that allows flexibility and scalability of payment cards through a decentralized platform. Like the Protocol will be able to facilitate transactions between customers and traders, eliminate brokers along the way, save large amounts of funds for traders and customers, increase overall efficiency and reduce risk. The adoption of blockchain can have advantages increase the use of cryptocurrency for everyday transactions.
Online Payments
Some types of payment cards are managed and run on certain networks such as
visa, mastercard, and American express (AmEx). This includes several types of cards such as credit,
debit, prepaid, and fee cards. Payment gateway system such as paypal or stripe and e-wallet
systems such as apple wallets and Google wallets were developed in the payment card environment.
AIGO - Ecosystem
Each card swipes or makes a complicated process, because payment data is generated and sent through a complex network of related private interest activities, each of which costs to drive transactions through:
Card network, which acts as a central point that facilitates transactions between users and acquiring entities, when building protocols and other parties involved in card processing are asked to follow them.
They provide access to payment terminals, processing and withdrawal services, as well as bank accounts where stored funds can be saved (Secure Online Wallet).
Problems of banks and processors - maybe deposit holders or related credit card account, because it provides various levels of back-office support, the main goal is to increase security when transferring payment data.
Terminal Payments and interface services - Services like this serve as a portal that connects eCommerce traders and users. Subsequent payments can get personal benefits by offering additional services such as analysis and reporting of transaction results.
Payment in installments.
AI AIGO's payment chain allows traders to sell products and services in installments. To give customers more shopping options, traders can choose to integrate with party extension services and allow customers to pay for their purchases. Credit companies will handle everything customer background checks and manages related risks. Possible implementations include company credit that prepares special withdrawal contracts with installment-based payments scheduled for customer.
Important announcement regarding $AIGO Token Swap and Bounty Campaign Distribution !

A dashboard of accounts is used to view account details and to connect wallet-to-wallet. Wallet is
the user's private key holder, whether the user executes an action or approves the wallet via the
blockchain. A-Wallet will facilitate the interaction of bill payments and between accounts. This
interaction consists of PullRequests, approves transactions, shows transaction history, and displays
account balance. We will develop two versions of the A-wallet.
Allocation Tokens
50% : AIGO Pre-Sale and IEO Sale
 17% : Reserved Funds
 13% : Founders and Core Team ( Lock 1 Year )
 10% : Development, Product Testing and Beta Testnet
 5% : Marketing cost for Partnership or Market Maker
 3% : Allocation for Advisors
 2% : Community Campaign (ex. Airdrop and Bounty)

For more details regarding this good project, please follow the following official sites below:
Author : Cing ciripit


Creating a DAPPS game has become a tremendous innovation in this industry, which has set new steps for gamers and players around the world. The games and platforms of the game suffer from a lack of transparency, trust, security, and slow payments among others. Players around the world hope that there will be a better platform that will solve gaming problems in the gaming industry, and I believe that the introduction of the DABANKING platform has responded to their prayers. The DABANKING platform was launched to create justice in the gaming system and seeks to protect the interests of online players when they play their various games. 
With the DABANKING platform, the market will once again return to its previous state, and the power of decentralization will take over the entire system structure of the game using blockchain technology. Some problems affecting the existing gaming platforms include: manipulation, lack of transparency, insecurity, delayed payments, and several others. This and many other problems are what DABANKING will complete and revolutionize the entire gaming industry. It has been observed that existing gaming platforms always manipulate game results and influence them in supporting the same industry. 
The industry manipulation of the game is done in such a way that the players don't know what's going on, and what they will continue to see is a loss on their part. Launching the DABANKING platform will restore and bring more transparency to the gaming world. You might wonder how the platform will bring more transparency and trust to the system, how far will it be better than other gaming platforms? But the real truth is that, on the DABANKING platform, there are ways to test games running on platforms, using reliable algorithms to control the process . 
Players all over the world can easily join the DABANKING platform by installing metamas or trusting their wallets on their computers or cellphones, and also ensuring that the ETHEREUM tokens are in their respective wallets, after which players can easily enter and enjoy the benefits 
Full DABANKINGOMOJACKPOT and FOMOGAME are products of the DABANKING project, based on lottery lotteries. Both are independent lottery systems with high levels of security and transparency, both of which are played through a ticket system. After the players buy tickets, the total number of ETH tickets purchased is divided as follows .50% for remuneration, 20% for instant income, 17% for referral income, 10% for dividends, and the remaining 3% for new product development. 
Game lovers who want to use the dabank platform must install the Metamask wallet on their computer or Trustwallet on their cellphone. Let's not pass it without announcing it. Ethereum must be found in Metamask or Trustwallet. 
Considering all this information, Fomojackpot, the first product of the dabankingg platform, is a sign of hope for the gaming industry. On game platforms based on blockchain technology, users will know about them fairly and transparently. FomoJackpot Based on Ethereum network. So, Ethereum network further, compile, there are different platforms? Ethereum will ask for approval and justice needed to win the player's trust. 
The Ethereum network produces 1 million operations per second, making the process fast and safe. Ethereum is based on smart contracts. The solution to the scaling problem is.Dabanking began laying the technological foundation and officially launched the game ecosystem in the DApp and mining community development and Tokens. In addition, the platform will add to the game category, which will offer new games to increase game revenue every quarter.


And leaving the entertainment service to the Decentralized Application Platform, introduce users to the next generation of in-game technology. The project development team has developed a long-term strategy to get the best banking services for millions of customers. 

The road map below is given in full. 

As a result, this will allow you to make money by playing DABANKINGG, which will attract gamers. When the community reaches 3 million users, DABANKING will declare the blockchain itself. 

If you want more about this project, visit the following page.

Author : Cing ciripit