Jumat, 11 Januari 2019


EXCOLONY-Let's Change The Way We Trade
As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.
EXCOLONY is a cutting edge computerized trade that has a few highlights that assistance customers to exchange, for example, IA, SAFU, ICCO, Investment Delegation and Paygate Trade. By joining unified trades with security exchanges, EXCOLONY offers speed and security while most decentralized trades can not do. In the event that the decentralized sacks are outstanding for their abnormal state of security, EXCOLONY will be a half breed stage with a brought together conversion scale and decentralized trade security.

The mission of EXCOLONY is to give similarity between all exchange bodies the world over and make a biological system which permits constant exchanges and information offering to minimal effort. EXCOLONY mission is to convey Blockchain innovation to serve the humankind in exchanging as well as in other extraordinary fields later on. We expect that the network supports us amid the test a long time to accomplish the objective.

New Investors

EXC INVEST is explicitly intended for you. With a couple of ventures of enlistment then you can get into the digital money advertises by putting resources into the potential Experts that you accept. Our Experts are to a great degree experienced and all around prepared in digital currency venture so you can put stock in them to make more benefit without looking into the market or enduring any sort of hazard whatsoever. You can pick your very own Expert to put resources into base on their insights, benefits, winning rate of venture cases, and so on...
Wind up Expert
You are the one with encounters in the cryptographic money markets? You can peruse the diagram and have great exchanging aptitude? You can rapidly expand the estimation of your record just by exchanging? You need individuals to find out about you, as a specialist in cryptographic money markets? Join our Strategy Managers and end up one of Excolony's Experts. Accept this open door to gain more benefit from this potential cryptographic money showcase by giving financial specialists a chance to put resources into you. Helping new an unpracticed financial specialists to win more benefit for yourself so... Why not?
EXC Demo
New merchants and financial specialists may like the EXC DEMO, in light of the fact that they have chances to exchange and experience the digital money trade without hazard. Each Demo client has a measure of EXC and guidance in steps. In any case, EXC in demo trade has no esteem, likewise the benefit. Month to month, EXCOLONY resets the record and EXC DEMO brokers need to begin from the earliest starting point.
Vip and AI
VIP work incorporates the advancement about value, administration, support and give-away presents for the individuals who purchase this bundle. Swinging to the AI in the VIP work, when clients purchase VIP bundle, which having AI will have underpins from EXCOLONY AI. The elements of AI are forecast of the market drift, hazard the board, running with clients and stable coin recognizable proof. In a nutshell, the VIP bundle has full highlights to enable clients to get the greatest benefit.
Installment door of EXCOLONY keeps running with a powerful, quick and simple route for clients. With low or free exchanging expense, this can enable records to take brief time and exchange charge to pay a few purposes, for example, electronic trade, Casio, diversions and the others of EXCOLONY accomplices. It is clear that EXCOLONY installment technique will make a biological system to associate clients and firms.
Inescapable Risk Management Enabling Users to Make Smart Decisions
EXCOLONY AI is equipped for distinguishing, examining, and organizing the potential dangers and dangers associated with digital currency exchange. Consequently, it actualizes a systematized and prudent utilization of assets that limit, control and screen the impact of different critical occasions. In a general sense, this hazard the executives highlight attempts to guarantee that the unusual variables don't affect the exchanging knowledge of clients and guarantee that they keep on making stable benefits. The machine minds can gather and understand a huge number of information and data to foresee results, in this manner cautioning clients of any vulnerabilities, bringing down the potential outcomes of dangers, and helping them settle on very much educated exchanging choices.

Shrewd Contracts and Multiple Payment Methods
Security is the essential test of brought together trade stages and decentralized systems have utilized keen contracts to tackle this test. It helps in trading reserves, shares, properties, and so forth with no contention while wiping out the necessity of a go between. EXCOLONY has additionally incorporated savvy contracts to offer a powerful answer for the security issues. It enables the framework to keep up secrecy among exchanges, bring down exchange expenses, offer solid protection approaches, and so on.
Token Sale and ICO  Details
Symbol: EXC

Token type: Algorithm X11
ICO Price: 1 EXC = 0.5 USD
Min purchase: 10 ETH
Total supply: 100,000,000 EXC
Available for sale: 30,000,000 EXC
Soft cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 12,500,000 USD
Price: 1EXC = 0.5 USD
Minimum purchase: 10 ETH
Bonus: 50%
The bonus rate up to 50% depending on the period
Price: 1EXC = 0.5 USD
Soft Cap: 1M USD
Hard Cap: 12.5M USD
Bonus: UP TO 30% (Depending on each period)
(All unsold tokens will be burnt by Smart contract)
Token distribution and Use of Proceeds
Referral program

Our referral program could bring a lot of profits to EXCOLOGY Users:
Normal users
You will receive 5% bonus if your referrals buy EXC in ICO
All referrals will be paid by ETH (in ICO)
You will have 50% of your referral trading fee on EXCOLONY exchange
EXCOLONY partners
You will receive 5% bonus if your first referral level buy EXC in ICO
You will receive 2% bonus If your second referral level buy EXC in ICO
You will have 50% of your behind referral trading fee on EXCOLONY exchange
All referrals will be paid by ETH (In ICO)
For more information, please visit:

Whitepaper: https: //excolony.com/white-paper.pdf
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