Selasa, 16 Oktober 2018


The realDEX token is based on the Ethereum technology ERC20. rDEX will be primarily used to pay fees for the trading platform as well as serving as collateral for running a Masternote on the network and getting paid by the network.
Furthermore, rDEX tokens will also be a method of payment for Affiliate Program, Advertising, Fees, Rewards and Commissions on the upcoming real platforms,, and (more to come in the future).
realDEX is a Real Decentralized P2P Exchange Platform project running on Windows, Mac OSX or Linux program not relying on a Domain and/or IP for functionability.
realDEX will need an Internet connection and will run on one TCP port number 9338. The realDEX Network only needs one port for full-duplex, bidirectional traffic. This port will be used for trading by all members of the network as well as communication with the Masternodes.
Real decentralization means that your Windows, Mac OSX or Linux program will generate a deposit address without any access to a wallet. The coins that you will be sending there will remain in cold storage until withdrawal is done via one of the Masternode on the network.
Buyers, Sellers, Devs and Masternode owners will never have access to private keys heavily encrypted and store on the realDEX blockchain database and yes, source code will be available on GitHub at
Masternode servers will be the only gateway for all withdrawals. Furthermore, Masternode wallets will carry a 0 balance and will be encrypted by the masternode program itself.
Since all trades will be done without us manipulating any coins, you will have to pay the regular Bitcoin, Xcoin blockchain fees and the realDEX network will charge a small rDEX token fee that will go to the Masternode handling your transaction.

What is

Token Distribution

For more information :

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